Home > Industry/Domain > Agricultural chemicals
Agricultural chemicals
Includes chemicals designed for agricultural use for protection of crops from fungus and insects, as well as for the growth and protection of plants.
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Agricultural chemicals > Pesticides 
benchmark response (BMR)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
A designated level or percent of response relative to the control level of response used in calculating a BMD.
best management practices (BMP)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Procedures or controls other than effluent limitations to prevent or reduce pollution of surface water (includes runoff control, spill prevention, and operating procedures).
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Benchmark Dose associated with a 10% response adjusted for background. For example, these BMD(10) values are doses expected to produce a 10% reduction in brain cholinesterase ...
comparative effect level (CEL)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Dose by which potency of chemicals may be compared; e.g. the dose causing a maximum of 15% cholinesterase inhibition.
confidential business information (CBI)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Information that contains trade secrets, commercial or financial information, or other information that has been claimed as confidential by the submitter.
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
The connection and piping through which gases enter and exit a piece of equipment.

- Fungicides (58)
- Herbicides (125)
- Insecticides (20)
- Nitrogen fertilizers (16)
- Organic fertilizers (43)
- Pesticides (35135)
- Potassium fertilizers (300)
- Urea (21)